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Customers acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions.

Consumer acknowledges that Seller has made the Instructions, including warnings and safety and health information concerning the Product, efficacy, toxicity, and/or the containers for such Product sold hereunder available to Consumer.

Consumer agrees to promptly and properly disseminate such information so as to give warning of possible hazards, if any, to persons who Consumer can reasonably foresee may be exposed to such hazards, including Consumer’s disseminates, friends, family members, employees, agents, contractors or customers. This product is sharp, and shall be handled and transported with care so as to avoid injury, and is not meant to be used, and shall not be used, as a weapon, projectile, or any other use other than its intended use.  TargetTack, LLC will not be held liable for any liabilities resulting from the misuse and misapplication of its products.

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